Aurora Is Three!

The night Aurora was born is still such a vivid memory that I can hardly believe three years have gone by since we met her for the very first time! She had quite the birthday this year, given the pandemic and all, but we sure made the most of it! She’d been asking for a scooter for months so I hardly slept the night before because I was so excited about the scooter we had put together for her! At 5:50AM she strolled into her room-clearly she was just as excited as I was! By 6:10AM she had received her scooter and her birthday celebration was underway!

My sister, the infamous Aunt Kate, delivered a cake that fit Aurora’s description to a ‘T!’ Aurora asked for a Cinderella blue cake with silver stars and Aunt Kate delivered big time! Because of the pandemic, people dropped by one by one to celebrate so she had a full day full of visitors! She wore her ‘birthday dress’ that she picked out by herself, as she does every year, and spent the day doing all of the things she loves to do. She watched Pinkalicious, had a cheeseburger for lunch, pizza for dinner and cake and ice cream in-between. As a family, we took a walk and she rode her scooter. She might have fallen and skinned her little knee, but in typical Aurora spirit, she hardly noticed.

Our ‘Ru girl’ has the biggest, sweetest heart and it is such an honor to be her mama. While she might not be starting ballet as early as she wanted (she’s only been waiting a whole year to be old enough to do ballet) she still had the most perfect third birthday. We love you, Ru!


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