
our 2019 daily photo project | fairview heights lifestyle photographer

if you’ve known me for any amount of time, you know that i adore daily photo projects. prior to having any children, i completed several 365 projects (one photo a day for a year) and both of my girls had a photo taken of them every day of their first year. in 2018, i completed a project 52 (one photo a week for a year) where i challenged myself to get into the frame with my daughters once a week. come 2019, i was craving something new and simple. i had purchased a fujifilm instax mini 90 when my oldest was a baby about three years ago and 2019 seemed like the perfect time to put it to good use…finally! i didn’t want to spend tons of time shooting or editing like i’d done in the past so i decided that i’d snap one instant photo a day + keep a little daily journal to jot notes in to accompany the photo i took. i only wish i’d have thought of it sooner! we are now 6 months into 2019 + it has been the perfect fit for us this year!


the camera is small enough that i simply tuck it into my bag and head out the door. we’ve brought it to the pool, the zoo, the symphony..just about everywhere! the photos, even with the flash, are beautiful + we have so much fun experimenting with the different modes that the camera allows-like double exposure, for example. my oldest, who, at the time of this publication is 3, is really enthusiastic about the project and loves to shoot some of our daily photos herself! both of my girls also love grabbing the journals from the shelf (we’re on our second journal for the year) and they spend hours flipping through them. it’s a dream come true for me because all i’m doing is snapping one photo, slipping it into the journal, writing a few sentences about our daily activities and that’s it! no waiting for the perfect light, no culling through multiple images to pick ‘the one’, no tinkering with the edit and no digital organization! rolls of film come with ten exposures per roll so we always buy in bulk to avoid running to the store every 10 days (ain’t nobody got time for that!) and from time to time, we will also snag some princess film for some extra girly fun. i feel like 10 exposures is the perfect amount to document a birthday party, a wedding day, a holiday…anything along those lines. in fact, my oldest had her first sleepover at grandma’s house this past march and we sent her with the camera and a pack of princess film and she had such fun documenting her first ‘sleepover!’ we even snagged her a little album to put all of her photos in which she thought was pretty neat.


it’s never too late to get started on a 2019 photo project so if you’re reading this thinking ‘gosh, i wish i’d have started something like that in january’ stop thinking + start doing! it doesn’t have to be with an instant camera or a DSLR or anything fancy. start snapping with your phone and see what happens! if nothing else, chances are you’ll end up with images that you’ll treasure a year from now so i promise you have nothing to lose!

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