

Gah Baylor boy is THREE! I remember his newborn session so vividly because it was just weeks before our son was born. In fact, Baylor’s newborn session may very well have been my last session BEFORE our Will was born. It’s just crazy that we blinked and BAM now we find ourselves photographing a big three year old boy with little sis in tow! Opting to do this session in home was an obviously delightful choice and I love that the sun was there to greet us and offer some gorgeous light. Nevermind that this family is SO good at printing their photos so their in home sessions always make me smile because we are surrounded by such lovely memories.

We also had ourselves a little dance party and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate a birthday, honestly. I love spending time with this family and all of the memories that we’ve captured together have brought me so much joy. Now let’s just hope that it feels longer than a blink before this boy turns four!

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