This little guy is a member of one of my favorite families. He recently celebrated his second birthday and we just HAD to sneak in a quick little sesh to capture him exactly how he is at this 2 year old moment in time. And, as you may expect from a 2 year old, we packed a TON into his little session. We played with balloons, slinkies, we journeyed downstairs, we popped into his bedroom and eventually we ended up sitting down for lunch and hanging out a bit there too. My personal favorite image from this session is likely a tie between the slinky and the photo of him walking down the stairs. There’s something about his tiny little hand on the wall as he navigates his way down that tugs on my mama heart strings and makes me smile. It’s just one of the many reasons I LOVE photographing kids individually for their birthdays. A quick, sweet, intimate session is all you need to remember all of those little things you promise yourself you’ll never forget-except when they’re tangible photographs remembering them is a guarantee 😀