More often than not, Friday nights are homemade pizza nights at our house. It was a tradition adopted from my childhood and I love passing it down to my kids! The recipe yields either 2 medium sized pizzas or 4 or 5 personal pan pizzas. My kids are huge fans of personal pans and they love to put together their own culinary creations! The recipe is simple and delicious-I can’t make any promises about how ‘healthy’ it is but, hey, it IS pizza after all 🙂


  • 1 Cup Water
  • 1 TSP Sugar
  • 2 1/2 TSP Yeast
  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 1 TSP Salt
  • 1 TSP Oil (we use olive oil)


  • In a small bowl, mix together 1 cup of water, 1 TSP sugar and your yeast. Let it sit and bloom for 5 minutes. (tip-opt for warm water instead of cold)
  • In a large bowl, mix 2 cups of flour, 1 TSP salt and 1 TSP of oil. Add your yeast mixture when it’s through blooming and knead until smooth. Chances are it will be sticky so don’t be shy-toss in extra flour as necessary!
  • I have the best luck when I make our dough around lunch time. This allows it a few hours to rise and the longer it rises, the better the texture and flavor is. However, if you’re coming straight from work, try to give it at least one hour to rise before rolling out.
  • Once your dough has risen, roll it out into your desired shape and thickness. Add your sauce and your toppings and toss it into the oven at 450* for 20-25 minutes. Enjoy!

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