

If you know anything about me, you know that in home sessions are my heart and soul. Why? Because no two in home sessions are the same. Truly. They are the most original and authentic sessions that we can create together and they, truly, capture the most magic. After all, home is where you live your life-no one else has a home or a family dynamic that’s exactly like YOURS. Sure, an outdoor session at a park during golden hour is beautiful-I’m not here to discredit that-but there’s a spark that comes alive when you’re in your home with your people that is truly beautiful, raw, and honest.

But trust me, I’ve heard all of the excuses. Our house isn’t pretty enough. Our house doesn’t look like a Pinterest house. Kelsi our house is an absolute disaster. Our house is just temporary-we’ll do an in home session when we get into our forever home. I’ve heard them all and between you and me, they’re all bologna. Yup. I said it. Bologna. Your home is beautiful. Why? Because it’s where you kiss your kids goodnight. It’s where you wash their school clothes, sip your coffee, make soup when you’re sick, snuggle up to watch the game or play hide and seek. It is never about how your house looks. No. It’s about the feeling of home. So let’s chat about 10 things that you can do with your family that will create your favorite session yet…your in home family session.

  • Let’s have a dance party! Dresses twirling, kiddos showing me their favorite dance moves, dad bouncing one kid on his shoulders and twirling another with his finger. Want to level up? Let’s play freeze dance!
  • Let’s make something. Pancakes, popcorn, pizza, cookies, cupcakes. Let’s decorate cupcakes. Let’s sit on top of the island or on top of the kitchen table in our newly kitchen respray and get messy together. Don’t worry, I’ll help you clean up 🙂
  • Let’s eat donuts. Seriously. Let’s grab a box or two and stack them up. Count them. Share them. I mean, is there anyone who wouldn’t want to eat a donut?
  • Let’s play board games. What games are you reaching for on rainy days? Candyland? Monopoly? Life? Uno? Chess? All of the above? Let’s get cozy and play them together.
  • Let’s make your bed.Trust me your kiddos will LOVE helping you do something so ‘official’ and while we’re busy capturing super fun photos of blankets flipping and flopping we’ll also have ourselves a bit of a pillow fight. Giggles guaranteed.
  • Let’s play outside. Weather permitting, of course, but heck even if it’s raining or chilly it is always worth it to bundle up and take a lap or two around the house. Literally. We can run, play tag, or simply snuggle in a group hug on the porch.
  • Let’s read a book. Whether we snuggle up and capture you reading a story together as a family or whether you have older kiddos who want to spread out and read their own stories, story time is always special.
  • Let’s go through one of your daily routines. Don’t worry about what time of day these routines may or may not happen normally-just go with the flow! Let’s capture your morning routine. Start in jammies, brew some coffee, and from there we can get dressed, brush hair, snuggle, put our socks and shoes on, pack up snacks, etc. Perhaps you’re in that chapter of your life where nap time routines are sacred. Let’s capture it! The feeding, the rocking, the reading…so precious. Maybe we’ll even do a quick sink bath for good measure. Or, heck, why not capture your beloved bedtime routine even if the session takes place in the middle of the day. We can do your morning routine in reverse-pick out jammies, toss the clothes in the hamper, turn on some zen music, read a book and get ourselves tucked in.
  • Let’s play with balloons. They’re colorful, SUPER fun and it’s easy for the whole family to be engaged (and smiling!) We can get silly-play ‘keepy uppy (any Bluey fans here?!), toss the balloons at my camera, lay on the floor, and make balloon angels. Fun for everyone.
  • Let’s break the rules. Who doesn’t love to break the rules every once in awhile? Just for an hour let’s jump on the couch. Let’s dance on the counters. Let’s balance on the window sills. Let’s yell + scream and toss alllllllllll of the stuffies into the air.

See what I’m saying?! When I say in home session I don’t mean let’s sit nice and tall on the couch and smile at the camera. I mean let’s hang out in your home. Let’s make magic that is exclusive to you and your family. I’m going to link some of my favorite in home sessions below for further inspiration but I’m ready when you are. Tap here to start a conversation about your in home session. I can’t wait to hang out with you.



a new home for new memories | southern illinois family photographer

a snuggly saturday afternoon | st louis family photographer

home is wherever i am with you | st louis family photographer

a home is where your story begins | breese family photographer

the sweetest little trio | fairview heights family photographer

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